Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
3D Modelling of Membrane in product.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Slide 1 for ROM Presentation
Please have a look. We can keep certain elements and ditch others as we move along. This is just the intro slide.
The purpose of posting this is so we can grasp the ideas of what we want in terms of movement, graphic design and concept. I also used the images that Katey sent me - which ended up working out well. If you guys find any images on the internet or on paper - please sent them as JPEG attachments or post these to Google Docs and we can build an image database which will really add up later when building the final version.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Notes from Meeting - 5/10/2009
Outline of goals by Dan Wimmer:
As a follow to the request for an outline of our earlier discussions this morning, I provide the following in hopes it addresses any confusion as to the three central points’ I raised:
The first and most important job is the management of the abstracts, reports, duty assignments and other flows of information into some logical format. This person would serve as the focal point where questions of job assignments, depth and detail of duty can be directed. It can also be the place where one would turn for assistance requests and the center of appointing that assistance. Claudia is (was) my recommendation for that task and she has, at the moment
, graciously accepted the role. Thank you Claudia, you don’t know how sorely this was needed, or how much we all appreciate your acceptance of this awesome role and what it means to each of us and the group as a whole. Additional thanks are due for your past efforts as well.
The next issue was the understanding that the interviewing task is perhaps the most important and comprehensive assignment we will undertake. Because the avenues of quality interviewing help set the beginning “road map,” we need to breakdown this chore and here is my view of some sources we should consider.
As we all know, the above recommendation list can be expanded greatly. However, we should have a better sense of where we need to look after Tuesday’s meeting.
The last issue I raised was the need for a scheduled time line or a report date of production status. Again, I think we will have a better feel for where we need to focus our energies after Tuesday, thus, my request to remove this issue from a group decision today.
On other points, I would like to insure that during teleconferences all consideration is given to each participant such that we eliminate any distractions. We have little time and many of us are old and have trouble hearing well. Hopefully, we can get structured so we can have a discussion agenda, so our time is productive since time is a commodity we can’t afford to waste.
Regarding the technology needs Chris and Claudia were discussing, software requirements etc., and because I regrettably admit my failings in the world of technology, Claudia, if I need new, different or additional “STUFF,” please let me know.
Notes from Katey Gilligan:
1) Dan: Focus on data control
2) Dan: Official person of contact - CEO Team project manager, pass/centralize info. Nominate Claudia to facilitate with project management and communication.
3) Chris - put together a list of people to interview - next step is to select people to call and a time and date for each.
4) Andre - confirmed to go forward with the KTT model.
5) Katey - list of contacts is posted to Google docs and directions to engineering building are to come.
6) Claudia - our team is in good standing and learned not let what others think or do get in our way. Power is in numbers. Asks how to find out if a company uses taxpayers money.
7) Dan - Let's ask common sense questions. We should research a company before we go in. All agreed.
8) Claudia - Gets group confirmation that Dan will be the next spokes person. Katey and Claudia agree to take notes for meeting on Tuesday.
9) Next meeting Saturday at 8 AM central.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Minutes From Meeting on 5/5/09
Tuesday, 5/5/2009
11:39 AM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Request for Early Submissions of Objectives: Dengi Conference Call on May 5th. Tuesday, at 10 am
To access the number please refer to email send last week or send an email to Andre requesting the call number and key code.
Please feel free to post any objectives to this post for the meeting prior to the meeting so we can be sure to discuss these efficiently.
Andre - we know you're project milestone chart based on the previous group project will be discussed.
Chris - I'll be sure to outline reading assignments more legible next time.
Dan - I'm sure you'll have something to say about out technology and any suggestions on how to employ group members would be great.
Katey - any thoughts would be great.
I'm sure you guys have more to add so please feel free to post here.
Next Reading Assignment Will be posted as a full Text Entry on the blog
I really enjoyed reading everyone's reading summaries so far. It has been a great help to read how we can all simplify the information and also in an easier read format.
Thank you for your hard work,
Oh and the next assignments will be posted as text instead of a dinky excel sheet snagit. Sorry about the cutoff on the last image. I tried to enhance this on the blog template but to no avail.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Docx -surprise! another problem from microsoft word.
Does anyone have any other answers to the docx error when uploading to google docs?
Here are some links:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Use of Emails and Blog
Currently we have 1) individual emails, 2) group email, and 3) blog. Quite frankly I am not sure those three communication vehicles provide equal value and sometimes it is not clear who created the message or posting.
I think that simply communicating through our personal Gmail email accounts will produce the same results. We can share documents/posts via Google Documents, use Google Calender to set up meetings & agendas, and be clear who created the communication.
Anyway, these are my thoughts. Please let me know what you think. I greatly appreciate your feedback.
Andre F.
Dengi Poll on Technology
Who would like to offer to write the summary?
Would submitting this on Friday frou the Dengi Email address be a good idea?
Thanks everyone,
AF: The goal is to gain educational value, so it does not really matter what we will choose to model. I think that the membrane technology is simpler than the hybrid computer one, and therefore propose the membrane technology.
I suggest to use a personal email and cc the rest of the team. This will ensure clear ownership of the project.
Once the team selects the technology I can draft the statement and maybe somebody else can independently review it. Let me know.
Andre F.
New Minutes from License Meetings on Google Docs
Thank you,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
New email
Reading Assignements for May 8 and 9th - Please Click on Image to see full text on assignments. Thanks!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
DENGI Technology Questions
How does our technology answer questions? Who cares?
For the hybrid computer:
- Video Game companies care.
- Entertainment industries care.
-Austin Energy cares.
For the desalination:
-Texas citizens care.
-Governments care.
Should we be getting their feedback in how care? Yes!
Should we be calling them and finding out? Yes!
Who knows people in the game industry? Water desalination plants? Austin Energy? Government? I think we all do.
FIRST - we can decide what how we want to approach them. Then we can approach our technologies.
Please post your ideas to this blog entry and let the group know.
If we can allocate our contacts into these categories we can allocate the work.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Good ideas from Katey
we need to choose which tech to start with - 'membrane' or 'hybrid DA'?i propose we contact people from BOTH right off the bat and go withthe one that seems simplest (plan-wise) first.
'hybrid DA' has been in touch via email with claudia - they would liketo meet us ASAP and lunch time week days are best - possible thistuesday after 10am meeting and 11am tech transfer online chat? orwednesday?
'membrane': first, we need to contact OTC Office 512 471-2995address: 3925 w braker lane austin 78759 - i would like to visitoffice in person on monday. second, Max Green, the LicensingAssociate, 512 471-9054 is an associate of Dan's - Dan, would you callMax monday and see if he could meet with us soon? Third, InventorProfessor at UT is Benny Freeman, Chemical Engineering. Will ask OTCto advise on contacting Benny but i think he is a friend of a friendof mine....Fourth, I would like to contact Dr Dileep Agnihorti from 21Ventures to inquire about interest in whichever desalination nanopolymer 'membrane' they have just chosen to fund...i see this as aninteresting opportunity/excuse to practice discussing VC with VC!
anything else? thoughts? angles to pursue?
hi andre! missed ya this weekend!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
milestone chart
10:00 AM
SKYPE or Andre's Key in - for people without laptops this will be a conference call.
Try to be on the phone or on your laptop for these meetings.
DUE 4/24
Thursday 8 pm
Turn in summary to Dengi Google Docs
Dan Wimmer - Chapter 1-8 on Open Business Models,
Andre Harvard Business Review,
Claudia - Chapters 1-3 Innovator's Solution and Tech Transfer from China
Katey - The Innovator's Solution 3,5,6
Chris - System of Survival Chapter 1 and Commercializing New Technologies by Vijay Chapter 1
A few sites I like
I'll have my share of the readings done shortly - somehow got off track.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Meeting Minutes from 4/12/2009, 10 AM
Andre said that taking ownership of a project would be recommended for all assignments, similar to the way we did it for the readings.
STC383 - Summary due 5/1/2009 - Which technology are we going to choose?
Should we bring in a new technology other than the ones we were given? Andre, Claudia and Dan discussed the benefits but the timeline to protect new technologies would be too risky. Through this discussion we agreed to stay with the original assignment.
Andre proposes to have our documents and articles on Google Documents .
The blog would be for discussions and store all summaries or technical papers on Google Docs.
So - from now on Google Docs use to store the summaries. The Dengi Blog use for discussion.
Andre - On June 18th we have the biggest deliverables . We have a Class on June 5th and 6th and Andre might come down for those classes. We can meet on Sunday with Andre work on the group project.
Claudia presented the initiative that Katey was making to contact the OTC for a technology and asked about what the group had in terms of feedback. That she was also close to posting the summary for her reading.
The quick looks summary will be discussed this weekend. Let's wait to contact OTC until we have a stronger underpinning of the analysis. Andre read Bret's email from the blog which stated "that we to know what we are doing" before going to OTC.
Dan recommends to check off the list of who wants to read what.
Andre and Dan feel free to modify minutes as they record them.
Dengi's feel free to post comments to initiate discussion anytime.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Reading Summary. "Collaboration Rules" by Andre Fonarov
Summary by Andre Fonarov
April 20, 2009
The authors explored key principles and mechanisms behind highly productive and effective organization structures at Linux, an open-source software company with thousands of self-organized users and Toyota, a well-known automaker and a leader in quality, innovation and lean production. It was identified that despite apparent differences between a hacker- driven Linux community and clean-cut Toyota world of Japanese corporation, both communities share a number of common components that make them leaders in innovation and growth.
The following components of highly effective collaboration teams were identified in the article:
A common work discipline driven by obsession, e.g. attention to small details, writing minimal code.
Raw information about problems and solutions is shared widely, frequently, and in small portions.
Project leaders act as connectors and lead by their own credibility.
A shared pool of knowledge.
Simple tools for moving knowledge around, e.g. emails and Listservs.
Rich semantic knowledge based on the knowledge pool available for further refinement by the whole community.
Modular teaming to expand and adapt quickly and with less risk.
Intrinsic motivation based on nonmonetary value, e.g. making something for the whole world.
High levels of trust as a result of constant scrutiny by others.
Driving down transactional costs. More time is spend on transactions than enforcing them.
Once the system gains a critical mass, it feeds itself.
In a summary, not markets, not hierarchies, but a combination of both provides an effective collaboration environment.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
STC 383 Summaries Posted on Google Docs
For your reading pleasure you can download the summaries as word docs from the link to the right here. Feel free to post your own if you can get them in. You can send an invite to collaborators to view these.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
STC 383 - Transfer of Technology to China
This article reviewed the methods of knowledge transfer from American manufacturing firms (specifically in Canada) to manufacturing or supplying firms in China. There were 28 manufacturing firms included in this study. and several theories to knowledge transfer discussed.
Tacit knowledge is mostly used to transfer knowledge from Canadian firms to Chinese firms. This leaves a larger margin of error in interpretation because it takes out the objective skills needed to transfer knowledge as one would with "Codification". So instead of exchanging blueprints, information is communicated face to face. Technology based firms are more complex than standard manufacturing and should have codification and also because products develop rapidly. There are clearly problems in the transfer of knowledge if Tacit knowledge is used in this process. Also noted is that R & D in China is also poorly coordinated between the supplier and the Canadian organizations for fear of "leaking secrets" from one Chinese company to the other but also because employees, engineers have a high turnover in R & D firms.
Remaining Summary on Google Docs.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Reading Summaries for STC 383
*************I encourage you not to look carefully at the grammar, syntax or punctuation, as such are simply defects with my typing skills which I do not intend to correct at this stage of my life*************** we
Henry Chesbrough
This book was written by the author to promote the concept of “Open” business models versus the older concepts which have existed for sometime. The book seems to parallel an earlier management theory written by the same author “Open Innovation”
My take is that the corresponding editorials focus on a perceived concept that by extending one operation to wider visions will promote expansion of the hidden concepts owned by them or a patented property of a particular entity.
This chapter introduces why an existing business should undertake a different view of how they are handling the trade technologies which are in part or wholly owned by them. Here, the author cites several examples of companies who either failed to expand their philosophies into modern methods and others who did so with success.
INTERMEDIATE MARKETS: This keystone address in what an upstream supplier of trade knowledge licenses and intellectual property “downstream” to a product developer.
The author illustrates how Hollywood now uses independent directors, actors writers etc to produce movies vs. the old days when a studio controlled all of the participants.
Inefficiencies in technology, here the author talks about how companies “upstream” have sold or partnered the development of technologies and their track record has not been good. Many surveys have shown that a small percentage of “upstream” transfer ever is brought to market.
This part of the chapter deal with what society expects from an inventor by way of granting a termed patent right. KEY POINT: “Society offers a temporary monopoly and permitting riches in return (I suspect he forgot to say the return to society) to benefit society. His argument states that failing to do so is a social breath of contract.
This section grounds the author’s point that in “closed IP management” situations, there is little product development, hints again that expansion of the technologies is critical to development.
The author claims that the time has come for openness because of the high cost of R&D, development cost, creating a team to explore and facility expenses.
Among the other economic concerns are:
shorter life cycles of a patent ( competition or similar products)
R&D expenses
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Minutes from 4/14/2009 - Topic- Reading Assignments for STC 383
Katey, Claudia and Dan met on 4/14via Skype to discuss further research and how we can allocate our readings for STC383.1)Assigned STC383 Readings:Page 7 of the STC383 syllabus has a list of readings that are due. If we all take 1 reading that would help us get through the readings more efficiently. This is also what professor Meg Wilson recommended. When we are finished with our readings we ask each group member to summarize the readings into a paragraph in bullets or in whatever format is comfortable on this blog.
Please do so by creating a new posting and giving it the title for your reading.
Chris and Andre we tried to call you and would have loved to hear from you however given your hectic schedules we understand and we thought about which readings you all might find most useful.
Please have a look at the following assigned readings that are also found on page 7 of the STC383 syllabus:
-Chris please read the "Technology Management: Concepts and Applications readings."
-Dan please read the "Open Business Models, Chaptes 4-8"
-Katey please read the "Innovator's Solution Chapters, 3,5,6"
-Claudia please read the "Technology Transfer to China, pg 43-57"
-Andre please read the "Harvard Business Review Collaboration Rules."Reading summaries are due on the blog by Tuesday, April 21st on the blog. Again, these can be a 1 paragraph summary or a list of bullet points.
2) KTT Model Paragraph Summaries:One paragraph summary on on technology we chose that is due:Katey proposes to talk to with the professors first then when she gets feedback will collaborate with us to write the 1 paragraph summary.Claudia has offered to create a chart that will animate and basically look awesome. This is of course based on what the group decides.Dan, Katey, Andre, Claudia and Chris - will develop a blueprint of our concept that we will base the chart on.Dan, Claudia and Katey decided that the water de-salinization technology would be the one we would turn in on May 1st, 2009. Next group meeting:10 AM, Tuesday 4/21/2009 on Skype or conference call.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Guy Kawasaki - Reality Check - Chapter 9
-30 no font smaller than 30 points
Friday, April 10, 2009
What steps in reseach are next?
Welcome Dengi Group!
The login for this blog should be in your email accounts.
I will be collecting previous discussions and posting these as they happen.
Please add onto this discussion as comments.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Minutes from meeting on 4_08_2009
Minutes from meeting:
1) Dan was asking which of the projects we need to do?
2) Andre answered: We do both at the same time and on both projects. Dan asked they mentioned Google and other research tools to use. To what extent do we need to embark on those tools?
Dan has started working on the chlorine resistant membrane. Googling, etc. It appeared that there was already a license on the technology and a VC fund has started to do this research. It was also a Austin Venture fund.
Andre - said his understanding was that quicklooks will provide the format and understanding for that technology. Response was to wait until we get the quicklooks technology before asking the professors about their work.
Andre has tried to look at the list on which are team assignments and which are not. In June there are several team projects. The biggest deliverable is on June 18th, 2009. The 2 projects are due on June 26th and the 29th. Andre will be in Columbia the first 2 weeks in June but the weekends he will be available.
Katey asked: Is the tech transfer the same as the quicklooks? Andre - yes.
Assign lead for quicklook number 1 and 2.
7/15 assign.
Katey asked to leave members with 1 thing in particular. Conduct 4 interviews. Chris and Andre said no.
We agreed to wait until we have the quicklooks format complete before we contact specialists in the field.
Andre suggested taking the lead on a technology summary that is due on May 1st.
First Team Assignment:
On May 1st there is a deliverable, on May 1st there is an accounting deliverable and on May 18th is another deliverable.
Claudia, Dan and Katey will collect feedback from professors on assignment details today. They will send group feedback to Dengi group today.
Conclusion: Claudia, Dan and Katey will do the following:
1) Send an email to Vicki to find out what is due in terms of the first group assignment. Should we wait for quicklooks before contacting professors?
2) Asking about the format for this group paragraph.
3) Also asking whether we can attend those business plan presentations at the LBJ school on that weekend of Moot Court competitions.
Water Filter
Dan asked about the viability of the water filter. Dan suggested that talking to people who have operated water plants may not be a good idea. Chris also brought up other applications that we should look into.