Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Use of Emails and Blog

I have a suggestion about streamlining our communication with each other.
Currently we have 1) individual emails, 2) group email, and 3) blog. Quite frankly I am not sure those three communication vehicles provide equal value and sometimes it is not clear who created the message or posting.

I think that simply communicating through our personal Gmail email accounts will produce the same results. We can share documents/posts via Google Documents, use Google Calender to set up meetings & agendas, and be clear who created the communication.

Anyway, these are my thoughts. Please let me know what you think. I greatly appreciate your feedback.

Andre F.

1 comment:

  1. Because we are a group using the Dengi email may be pertinant to revealing a project function but this applies to group assignments. If one want to send emails to both then fine. I'm flexible to both.
