Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Minutes from meeting on 4_08_2009

4_08_2009: Dengi Group Minutes
Minutes from meeting:
1) Dan was asking which of the projects we need to do?
2) Andre answered: We do both at the same time and on both projects. Dan asked they mentioned Google and other research tools to use. To what extent do we need to embark on those tools?
Dan has started working on the chlorine resistant membrane. Googling, etc. It appeared that there was already a license on the technology and a VC fund has started to do this research. It was also a Austin Venture fund.
Andre - said his understanding was that quicklooks will provide the format and understanding for that technology. Response was to wait until we get the quicklooks technology before asking the professors about their work.
Andre has tried to look at the list on which are team assignments and which are not. In June there are several team projects. The biggest deliverable is on June 18th, 2009. The 2 projects are due on June 26th and the 29th. Andre will be in Columbia the first 2 weeks in June but the weekends he will be available.
Katey asked: Is the tech transfer the same as the quicklooks? Andre - yes.
Assign lead for quicklook number 1 and 2.
7/15 assign.
Katey asked to leave members with 1 thing in particular. Conduct 4 interviews. Chris and Andre said no.
We agreed to wait until we have the quicklooks format complete before we contact specialists in the field.
Andre suggested taking the lead on a technology summary that is due on May 1st.
First Team Assignment:
On May 1st there is a deliverable, on May 1st there is an accounting deliverable and on May 18th is another deliverable.
Claudia, Dan and Katey will collect feedback from professors on assignment details today. They will send group feedback to Dengi group today.
Conclusion: Claudia, Dan and Katey will do the following:
1) Send an email to Vicki to find out what is due in terms of the first group assignment. Should we wait for quicklooks before contacting professors?
2) Asking about the format for this group paragraph.
3) Also asking whether we can attend those business plan presentations at the LBJ school on that weekend of Moot Court competitions.
Water Filter
Dan asked about the viability of the water filter. Dan suggested that talking to people who have operated water plants may not be a good idea. Chris also brought up other applications that we should look into.

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