"Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening." Dorothy Sarnoff. (exerpt from Kawasaki's book "Reality Check")
This whole book is about getting the attention from VC funding. Guy Kawasaki really nails down the flaws of many business presentations that have gone in front of VC in the past oh say 20 years. Chapter 9 titled, "The 10/20/30 Rule of Pitching" may be useful for Dengis.
I would love to scan and setup an ability to get you copies of this chapter so I will try to do so.
If you think it's better to find a new or used or new copy of the book there is a link below. Not that we need more books, but this one keeps things simple and concise.
The 10/20/30 is:
-10 powerpoint slides
-20 minutes of presentation time
-30 no font smaller than 30 points
-30 no font smaller than 30 points
At the end of regurgitating several opening pitches in the past which ineveitably lead to failure (example: I've always wanted to be an entrepreneur..." to "My goal is to build a world class company"), he recommends the following opening line: "This is what my company does......"
There's a lot more to this book than I am giving credit for - chapters include:
Venture Capital Law
Business Plans
The Art of Board Meetings
The Art of Blogging
Art of Customer Care, and on and on.
Here's a link from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Reality-Check-Outsmarting-Outmanaging-Outmarketing/dp/B0020MMBA8/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239486528&sr=8-1
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