Friday, April 10, 2009

What steps in reseach are next?

We are still waiting for a response from Brett on whether we can contact professionals yet.


  1. Katey, Dan and Claudia have discussed readings for STC383.

  2. Brett Cornwell to me
    show details 3:19 PM (5 minutes ago)


    Contact the OTC person first. They will be able to introduce you to the inventor and give any info that you may need to know. They want to make sure the inventor knows that OTC is involved/informed of what you guys are doing.

    Brett Cornwell
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

    OTC parson contact info? anyone have this? the MSTC site will not let me log in....

  3. Hmmmmm. Nice response and networking Katey. What does OTC mean? Operating Task Communicator? j/k

  4. BTW - It's claudia posting as Heliosphere - excuse the geeky undertones. I can't quite get rid of my blog name. I realize that I am not an actual layer in the statosphere. It's all good.
