Saturday, May 16, 2009

3D Modelling of Membrane in product.

This is a 3D model of what was passed around the meeting on wednesday.
I modelled this and rendered in Maya - there's a lot we can do for demonstation purposes with this program


Monday, May 11, 2009

Slide 1 for ROM Presentation

Please have a look. We can keep certain elements and ditch others as we move along. This is just the intro slide.

The purpose of posting this is so we can grasp the ideas of what we want in terms of movement, graphic design and concept. I also used the images that Katey sent me - which ended up working out well. If you guys find any images on the internet or on paper - please sent them as JPEG attachments or post these to Google Docs and we can build an image database which will really add up later when building the final version.



Sunday, May 10, 2009

Notes from Meeting - 5/10/2009

Outline of goals by Dan Wimmer:

As a follow to the request for an outline of our earlier discussions this morning, I provide the following in hopes it addresses any confusion as to the three central points’ I raised:

The first and most important job is the management of the abstracts, reports, duty assignments and other flows of information into some logical format.  This person would serve as the focal point where questions of job assignments, depth and detail of duty can be directed. It can also be the place where one would turn for assistance requests and the center of appointing that assistance. Claudia is (was) my recommendation for that task and she has, at the moment

, graciously accepted the role. Thank you Claudia, you don’t know how sorely this was needed, or how much we all appreciate your acceptance of this awesome role and what it means to each of us and the group as a whole.  Additional thanks are due for your past efforts as well.

The next issue was the understanding that the interviewing task is perhaps the most important and comprehensive assignment we will undertake.  Because the avenues of quality interviewing help set the beginning “road map,” we need to breakdown this chore and here is my view of some sources we should consider.

As we all know, the above recommendation list can be expanded greatly. However, we should have a better sense of where we need to look after Tuesday’s meeting.

The last issue I raised was the need for a scheduled time line or a report date of production status. Again, I think we will have a better feel for where we need to focus our energies after Tuesday, thus, my request to remove this issue from a group decision today.

On other points, I would like to insure that during teleconferences all consideration is given to each participant such that we eliminate any distractions. We have little time and many of us are old and have trouble hearing well. Hopefully, we can get structured so we can have a discussion agenda, so our time is productive since time is a commodity we can’t afford to waste.

 Regarding the technology needs Chris and Claudia were discussing, software requirements etc., and because I regrettably admit my failings in the world of technology, Claudia, if I need new, different or additional “STUFF,” please let me know.

Notes from Katey Gilligan:


1) Dan: Focus on data control

2) Dan: Official person of contact - CEO  Team project manager, pass/centralize info. Nominate Claudia to facilitate with project management and communication. 

3) Chris - put together a list of people to interview - next step is to select people to call and a time and date for each. 

4) Andre - confirmed to go forward with the KTT model. 

5) Katey - list of contacts is posted to Google docs and directions to engineering building are to come. 

6) Claudia - our team is in good standing and learned not let what others think or do get in our way. Power is in numbers. Asks how to find out if a company uses taxpayers money. 

7) Dan - Let's ask common sense questions. We should research a company before we go in. All agreed.

8) Claudia - Gets group confirmation that Dan will be the next spokes person. Katey and Claudia agree to take notes for meeting on Tuesday. 

9) Next meeting Saturday at 8 AM central. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Reading Assignments for 5/22/2009

Minutes From Meeting on 5/5/09

Tuesday, 5/5/2009                                                                                                                                   

11:39 AM

 Dan - let's communicate directly through email and use the blog for communicative purposes.

Andre - said he sent elevator pitches to group individuals and also dengigroup. Andre mentioned the blog .

Katey - what did I miss on the personal issue? Andre - reiterated to use the personal email. Katey added her summary to Dan's.

Andre- use the blog for posting summaries.

Dan - the blog is for the work related issues of the group. Email is the most appropriate way for me to get changes on the group.

Andre - elevator pitches.

Thoughts on collaborative issue:

Dan - great job on the outline. He's got cases to work on in addition to work. There's nothing wrong with being organized. He feels that the level of detail was huge and that coming to perfection might be difficult.

 Andre - feels that this was a draft attempt to have some detail in the work plan. Expectations on how to work on the project

 Claudia - Stated that 1 person can't do all of that but that allocation of those parts would be better.

 Andre - stated that wasn't the case?

Dan - Who has the time to really apply to the outline in Andre's email? Who has really been able to submit these timely so far? As individuals we each have our jobs and lives. How much can I contribute? Let's keep utilizing Claudia as a focal point. Getting response timelines will be difficult.

Andre - no. 1 as far as the time, time needs to be spent. no 2 as far as my schedule I'm working 16 hours a day and my time. Daily I'm putting 2-4 hours on a class and I have no problem putting more time into class projects.

Dan - Should we spend that much time dividing up reading? The critical part is that what you might perceive to be a critical point is a non-essential point to me. The article's that need to be read from the library could be posted.

Katey, Chris and Claudia - We'd like to keep the reading assignments.

Dan - Conference calling into the meetings doesn't work. If Andre has questions he can submit them before the meeting and we can ask the during the meeting. (Please note that this was with reference to the OTC meetings- not weekly meetings) 

Andre -Not a problem. I'll send communication and also on quick looks at end of day. He is also willing to summarize the reading at any point of the day. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Request for Early Submissions of Objectives: Dengi Conference Call on May 5th. Tuesday, at 10 am

Andre's conference call line.

To access the number please refer to email send last week or send an email to Andre requesting the call number and key code.

Please feel free to post any objectives to this post for the meeting prior to the meeting so we can be sure to discuss these efficiently.

Andre - we know you're project milestone chart based on the previous group project will be discussed.
Chris - I'll be sure to outline reading assignments more legible next time.
Dan - I'm sure you'll have something to say about out technology and any suggestions on how to employ group members would be great.
Katey - any thoughts would be great.

I'm sure you guys have more to add so please feel free to post here.
